Art Projects


Empyrean Temple - 2022 REBS

IntraNurture - 2022 REBS

Mutopia's Use of the Scarab - 2023 REBS

RAT Assist at Powering the Empyrean Temple - SS 21

Renewable Energy for Art and Camp on Playa - 2021 REBS

SpaceCats - 2022 REBS

Solar Powered Art on the Playa - 2021 REBS

The Solar Library - 2023 REBS

The Solar Library - 2022 REBS

The Solar Library - 2021 REBS

Temple of the Heart: Lessons Learned - 2023 REBS

TRUST and Solar Use - 2023 REBS

Empyrean Temple


Mutopia's Use of the Scarab


The Solar Library - 2023

The Solar Library - 2022

Temple of the Heart: Lessons Learned 

TRUST and Solar Use